Fernande Olivier, Pablo Picasso and their friends – an exhibition.

Fernande Olivier and Pablo Picasso had a pretty intense relationship. They met in Paris around 1904, when Picasso was starting to make a name for himself. Fernande was an artist’s model and had this captivating, bohemian vibe that really drew Picasso in.

They moved in together and their life was full of passionate highs and dramatic lows. Fernande became Picasso’s muse and appeared in many of his early works, especially during his “Rose Period,” where his paintings were more romantic and full of color.

Their relationship wasn’t easy. They had fiery personalities and often clashed. Picasso could be very controlling and jealous, while Fernande had her own strong will and desires. Despite this, their time together was incredibly influential for Picasso’s art. He created some of his most important early works while they were together. In 1912, they broke up, but the influence of Fernande on the work of Picasso can clearly be seen. And yes, that is much of what this exhibition in the Picasso Museum in Barcelona is about.

Does this sound like something you would like to learn more about?

Fernande Olivier, Pablo Picasso and their friends – an exhibition.

Location: Picasso Museum
Dates: June 6, 2024 – October 6, 2024.

How can I travel to the Picasso museum?

The nearest metro station to the Picasso Museum in Barcelona is Jaume I. This station is on Line 4 (the yellow line) of the Barcelona Metro and is just a short walk away from the museum.

Would you like to read more about other exhibitions, concerts, events, festivals, and programs in Barcelona? Look at our Barcelona calendar to find out what’s going on!

Night of the Museums 2025 (La Nit dels Museus)

Doesn’t it sound cool to spend a night exploring all the fantastic museums in Barcelona? Several cities have special nights every year in which you can explore the city’s museums and Barcelona is one of them. But let us not forget, Barcelona has some of the most interesting museums in all the world, making it a fantastic place to celebrate the night by exploring several museums.

Many people think the idea behind the concept originates from the movie Night at the Museum starring Ben Stiller (made in 2006). The truth is, however, that the idea was conceived in the 1970s in Germany by a man named Thomas J. C. Matheuszik (who was a marketing expert). It took, however, a long time before the first event was organized, and in 1997 the first event was arranged in Berlin. The goal was to attract a younger audience and promote cultural engagement. The event was a success, and it inspired other cities and countries to adopt a similar concept.

These events often include special exhibitions, guided tours, live performances, workshops, and other interactive activities that make the museum experience more engaging and entertaining.

Night of the Museums 2025

Date: no dates announced yet (it was May 18 in 2024).

There are lots of museums participating. You can see the full list at https://www.barcelona.cat/lanitdelsmuseus/

On these occasions, you normally buy one ticket which gives you access to all museums and programs available during the night. Since there are very popular and special museums in Barcelona, including the Picasso Museum and more, some have special agreements and pricing, so you should be aware of that.

What did Picasso see as he visited Paris?

Pablo Picasso visited Paris for his first time in 1900. One year later he returned to the city again. What did he see during his stay? How did it influence his art?

The Picasso museum in Barcelona is a fantastic gallery for those in love with Picasso and his works. But, if you decide to visit the museum sometime between September 21st and January 6th, you can enjoy a temporary exhibition consisting of works made by lots of other painters. Why?

The Blue Room, painted by Picasso in 1901
The Blue Room, painted by Picasso in 1901 – Source

To answer the question what Picasso saw in Paris in 1900 and 1901, you need to look at the works of the painters who had their art exhibited in Paris at that time. Some of the artists you will meet as you come to check out this exhibition are  Bartholomé, Carrière, Delacroix, Manet, Toulouse-Lautrec, Capiello, Degas, Cézanne, Steinlen and Gauguin.

The exhibition is a cooperation with Musee d’ Orsay in Paris from whom they get most of the exhibited paintings. To return the kindness, the Picasso museum in Barcelona will let Musee d’ Orsay in Paris borrow some of the pictures from the permanent exhibition in Barcelona for the same period of time.

Doesn’t this sound like an interesting temporary exhibition to check out in Barcelona? You can read more about it at the official site.

The entry to the temporary exhibition alone is 6,50 Euro. To visit the permanent exhibition and the temporary exhibition together the price is 14 Euro.

Picasso in the kitchen [Exhibition]

What did Picasso think of the kitchen? In what way did food, restaurants and the kitchen inspire Picasso? Come to Barcelona and discover this temporary exhibition in the Picasso museum between May and September in 2018.

In this exhibition, you can discover more than 200 works of Picasso, and they will all give you some insight into how food inspired Picasso. Not only will the exhibition show food pictures, but it will also give you insight as to how he ate, what he ate, where he ate, and in what way food influenced his senses and the kitchen gave space for dreams and pleasures.

The exhibition will open on May 25th and it will remain available until September 30th.

picasso kitchen

If you want more information about other events in Barcelona, or maybe just find information about the most famous attractions in town, look around here in our Barcelona Guide.

Magnificent portraits made by Picasso

A cooperation between the National Portrait Gallery in London and the Picasso museum in Barcelona has led to this temporary exhibition on Picasso portraits in the Picasso museum in Barcelona.

Since this is a cooperation between the National Portrait Gallery in London and the Picasso Museum it is only fair that the exhibition can be enjoyed in both museums. That is why this exhibition will first be on display in London between October 5th in 2016 and February 6th in 2017, before it will come to Barcelona to be displayed in the Picasso museum between March 17th in 2017 and June 25th in 2017.

It is a fact that Picasso loved making portraits and also caricatures. That is why this exhibition is a fantastic opportunity to see a mixture of his funny side with his more serious side as you discover his portraits and caricatures.


Some more info about the exhibition (source: Picasso museum website)

The National Portrait Gallery and the Museu Picasso de Barcelona are organising a major exhibition exploring the place of caricature in Picasso’s portraiture, a subject that has not previously been explored in detail. The exhibition will contain paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints from all periods of the artist’s long career. It is being curated by Elizabeth Cowling, Professor Emeritus of History of Art at Edinburgh University, and an independent scholar and exhibition curator.

For even more information on this exhibition take a look at the video beneath.

Enjoy your stay in Barcelona

We hope you will enjoy your stay in Barcelona. If you want more information on happenings and events in Barcelona, look around in our Barcelona Guide.

Picasso and mythologies

Did you know that Picasso was very interested in mythologies? Did you know that the first Picasso painting that was preserved was of the legendary hero Hercules?

Hercules, Picasso and mythology

In the period between November 24th in 2016 and the 20th of March in 2017 you can get to know so much more about Pablo Picasso and his attraction to mythology. Here you can watch some of his amazing creations portraying for example Hercules, Apollo, Calydon, Cephalus, Meleager, Nestor, Pollux, Poseidon, the Minotaur and  Zeus. In addition you can watch other beings and feelings he portrayed such as centaurs, fauns and muses, and they explain trivial facts about everyday life, prowess, pleasures, pain, tragedy, etc.

Based on this it might even be something you can bring your kids to, because they do for sure love fauns, centaurs, muses and of course super heroes like Apollo, Nestor and Pollux.

If you would like to know more about the exhibition then you can visit the homepage of the Picasso museum!

For those who would rather skip this exhibition and do something else in Barcelona instead, read on in our Barcelona Guide. Here you will find information on other programs, exhibitions, concerts and other things going on in the city, in addition to basic knowledge on the most famous attractions and activities Barcelona has to offer.


Picasso doing ceramics

We all know Picasso as a painter, but he also sanctified time to ceramics. In this exhibition you can see photographs of Picasso as he works with ceramics.

In September the International Ceramic Academy will host its 47th congress in Barcelona. As a result the Picasso museum in Barcelona has decided to host this exhibition which shows photos of Picasso as he works with ceramics. He got this interest after the Second World War. He worked with ceramics from then until the mid 60s.

The photographs exhibited in this temporary exhibition in the Picasso museum have been made by famous photographers such as Marcos Chamudes, David Douglas Duncan, Roberto Otero and André Villers.

Picasso exhibition in Barcelona

Picasso, Photography and Ceramic

Picasso Museum
June 23rd – October 30th

Find out more about what’s on in Barcelona here in our Barcelona Guide. Here you can also read about other museum, famous attractions and you can of course find out more about the popular FC Barcelona as well.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Barcelona!

Picasso and Dali exhibition

Dali exhibitionThis exhibition will show the works of Dali and Picasso from next year March until June in the famous Picasso Museum in Barcelona.

Salvador Dali was a Spanish Catalan surrealist painter who was born in 1904 and he died in 1989. Pablo Picasso was also a Spanish painter who was born in 1881 and he died in 1973. Both of them had a big impact on art and both of them are one of the most influential painters on the whole world. The exhibition will show the works of the two Spanish painters. Dali was on a trip to Paris in the spring of 1926 when he visited the studio where Picasso was preparing for his exhibition after Dali returned from the trip he started a serious work on reflecting Picasso’s work. In 1936 both Picasso and Dali were reflecting on the Spanish Civil Wars with powerful art works. The exhibition on Dali and Picasso will be held from 19th March 2015 until 28th June 2015. The exhibition will take place at the Picasso Museum in Barcelona.

Picasso Museum
Carrer Montcada, 15-23, 08003 Barcelona, Spain

If you want to know more on the exhibition and the museum check the official site for more information.

In our eyes this will be one of the coolest and most interesting exhibitions in all of Europe in 2015. If you are looking for another highlight in the world of exhibitions in 2015, then maybe the Munch and Van Gogh exhibition in Amsterdam and Oslo can be compared to this one!

Landscapes of Barcelona in the Picasso museum

The Picasso Museum was founded in 1963 in Barcelona, Spain. Picasso was born in Spain and wished to leave the imprint of his work in Barcelona. The museum has a collection of the youthful paintings and drawings of the twentieth century’s most impressive artist.

Landscapes of Barcelona

The Landscapes of Barcelona is a series of paintings and drawings of Barcelona’s urban life. Most of the pictures were painted between 1895 and 1903 before he permanently moved to France. Picasso truly grew into one of the greatest avant-garde artist during those years. This period of his life he was traveling between Paris, Madrid and Barcelona. He first traveled to France with a friend of his who later committed suicide which had a big effect on his paintings and art work afterwards. We call this the Blue Period of his work which started in 1901 and lasted until 1904 when he moved and opened his first studio in Paris.

Barceloneta Beach by Pablo Picasso

The museum has around 4249 art works of Picasso from the Blue Period but they have other drawings and paintings just like the series of Las Meninas from 1957 and they also have a very large Picasso’s print collection.

To find out more about Picasso, the Picasso museum and the paintings visit the official site and check for more details.

The exhibition will be on display until September 14th, 2014.

Jacqueline Picasso’s legacy in Barcelona

Jacqueline PicassoI think i don’t have to introduce the city of Barcelona. Famous footballers, Spanish atmosphere, beach, party, fun, relaxing, everything you need. Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain and the capital of the province of Catalonia also. But like everywhere, there is sometimes worthwhile to get up off the beach and immerse yourself in the culture. As always, visitors can choose from several opportunities, and not just the Sagrada Familia, the FC Barcelona stadium or the Olympic Village, what was built because of the Olympic Games in 1992, because here is the famous Picasso Museum too.

Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter, was born in 1881, whose work was groundbreaking and many divisive. He was the most important avantgarde painter in the 20th century. Although he was born in Malaga, when he was the age of 14 the family moved to Barcelona, because his father was a successful art teacher, and he got a job at the College of Fine Arts in Barcelona as a teacher. So we can say that the little Pablo had the gene of an artist.

He has gone through many troubles in his life. Picasso was famous among women. He married his last woman, Jacqueline, in 1961 on the French Riviera, where the master lived in those days. Jacqueline Roque was a Parisian lady, who appeared for the first time in Pablo’s painting in 1954. She ended her life by a pistol 13 years after the master’s death.

But let’s talk about something happier: the famous Picasso Museum shows its respect with a wonderful exhibition in front of the present of Jacqueline.  Those who like Picasso’s work, do not miss this great exhibition with the unique pieces, which show bull fights, ancient images and other subjects, what Picasso loved, and we also can see the details of a great love story on the masterpieces.

The exhibition is available between 26 October 2012 and 1 April 2013 in the Picasso Museum, Barcelona. The museum is open from every Tuesday to every Sunday, between 10 AM and 8 PM. Ticket for temporary exhibitions is 4,40 Euros, for the whole museum and temporary exhibitions is 11 Euros.

Everybody have a good time!