Dancing Egg Day 2025

Have you ever heard about a Dancing Egg Day? It is a special celebration in Barcelona in which eggs dance on the top of fountains across the city. Learn more about the Dancing Egg Day and where you can see this spectacular phenomenon in Barcelona.

What is happening on the Dancing Egg Day (Ou Com Balla)? Fountains throughout the city are given special colors and on the top of the water an empty egg is dancing on the top of the water. They have a special procedure that is followed to prepare the eggs for the event, making them able to dance on top of the water instead of falling down.

The event takes place on Corpus Christi Day, 60 days after Easter Sunday (always on a Thursday).

Dancing Egg Day 2025

Date: June 19 (the dancing eggs can normally be seen for three days, until the end of the Sunday)

Where can you see the dancing eggs in Barcelona?

The celebration originates from Barcelona Cathedral. As a consequence, the most popular place to visit on this day is Barcelona Cathedral and the surrounding area.

You can also witness the celebration at the following locations:

  • Garden Frederic Mares Museum
  • Maritime Museum
  • Casa de l’Ardiaca
  • Cloister Pedralbes Monastery
  • Cloister Basilica Purissima Concepcio.

Are you ready for some dancing eggs? Would you like to read more about other events and happenings in Barcelona? You can find this and more information in our Barcelona Guide.

Christmas markets in Barcelona in 2019

When will the Christmas markets be arranged in Barcelona in 2019? Here you will find the Christmas market dates and everything else you want to know.

Before you continue, check our page dealing with general information about the Christmas markets in Barcelona.

Christmas markets dates for Barcelona in 2019

The most famous Christmas market in Barcelona can be found in front of the Barcelona Cathedral in the Gothic part of the city. This is a beautiful area. The Christmas market here will open on November 29th in 2019 and it will remain open until December 23rd.

Christmas market in Barcelona in 2019

The Christmas market by Gran Via, will most likely open around December 20th and remain open until January 6th. The dates haven’t been 100% fixed yet, but those were the dates in 2018, so we guess they will look quite similar also in 2019.

There will also be a Christmas market in front of Sagrada Familia, but the dates for this market haven’t been set yet.

If you want to discover and see even more Christmas market in 2019, why not extend your trip and go to Prague as well? You can read more about Prague and the beautiful Christmas markets in the city at http://www.praguepraha.com/

Merry Christmas and enjoy your stay in Barcelona!