Barcelona to Madrid

How to get from Barcelona to Madrid?

AVE in Barcelona
AVE in Barcelona

There are several ways of travelling between the two most important and attractive cities in Spain; Madrid and Barcelona. The most comfortable way nowadays is travelling with Renfe and their high velocity trains. These trains travel more than 600 kilometres in less than three hours and they are very comfortable trains. If you buy your ticket in good time before your travel date you can buy the ticket at “web-price” which can be as little as 40 Euro per person,

The process of buying the ticket can be a nightmare as the Renfe site only is available in Spanish and you can only buy your ticket using the Spanish page. We have managed it ourselves, but you should prepare to use at least 30 minutes in the process of ordering the tickets, combined with using Google Translate to understand everything. Their webpage is available at

Barcelona Sants
Barcelona Sants

As you buy your tickets you just have to print them out and bring them to the train station where you should be around 30 minutes before departure, just to make sure that everything is okay.

The Renfe trains normally leaves from Barcelona Sants (metro stop is Estacio Sants) in Barcelona and the trains arrive to Atocha station in Madrid (Pta Atocha is the name on the ticket), which is on the metro stop “Atocha Renfe”.

If you would rather enjoy this trip using an airplane the cheapest fares can be reached using Vueling.